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HIROFOCUS is your new coffee ritual. Caffeine without jitters, energy without a crash and focus without dependency. Focus is a safe way to enhance your energy and get in the feel good zone.
Made with coffee fruit, jungle sugar, dragonfruit, passionfruit, blue butterfly pea flower, spring water.

Transition from wakefulness to a calm, relaxed and deep sleep state with HIROSLEEP - a natural, safe and non-addictive way to fall asleep.
Excellent in smaller doses for anxiety and as a relaxation aid.
Made with nutmeg fruit, nutmeg flower, nutmeg seed, cinnamon leaf, vanilla, jungle, sugar, spring water

I absolutely love HIRO Focus. I drink it in so many different situations - when I need a reboot or some extra energy. Even doing my taxes is not a hassle with Focus. It gets me moving and inspired. I could go on and on…Thank you Hiro, you’ve changed my life!
- Ivana